Any one of the events facilitated by Tracey has inspired a deeper connection with the Divine. I come away with a feeling of wholeness and lightness of being.

D.D. Public Relations, Hamilton, Ontario


  • Empowering approach to encourage building quality character in day-to-day living for more
    positive win-win outcomes for self and others,
  • 30 – 45 Min or 1 Hour Interactive Power Point Presentation to a small or large audience,
  • Presentations facilitated for women at Women’s Centre and Women Shelter,
  • Presentations facilitated for youth at School and Community Centre,
  • General audience at Church, Spirituality Conference, Holistic, Yoga or Counselling Centre,
  • Presentations for seniors at Retirement Home and Community Centre,
  • Radio or TV Interview or discussion on topics of Spirituality and Character Building and
    solution oriented outcomes,
  • Content drawing from every day life and varied moral and spiritual disciplines,
    12-Step Recovery, Compassionate Communications and Virtues Project.

Topics and Audience include the following:

Audience: General, Youth and Adults
For individuals committed to improve their thinking and actions
Decription: The intension is to assist transformation into authentic personal expression, develop, express and expand Virtues, Spirituality and Life Purpose. Reflect upon the Ultimate Creator of all Creation for which each human is a part and tap into authentic expression of what you were created for and to connect to fulfill what is yours to do. As individuals grow themselves to be more positive and productive within their families; places of work or careers and community they discover that it is easier and more effective as they develop, express and expand quality of character in all interactions. Hence, it becomes easier to unraveling into clarity of individual deeper life purpose.
Audience: Women
For women committed to face the deeper truths of personal behavior
Decription: For women committed to face the deeper truths about behavior that lead them to self-demeaning choices because of beliefs built out of negative conditioning and coping from hardship and trauma. The intension is to assist women to heal; to encourage new thought patterns; to encourage following guidance from others who have navigated through and out of abusive situations; to encourage to make use of concrete tools for Self-Reflection, Self-Improvement, Enhancement of Soul Experience and Spirituality; to encourage positive thoughts and actions to overcome hardships and trauma into transformation for positive, productive lives.
Audience: Women
For Canadian born and Immigrant women endeavoring to expand communication skills
Decription: For Canadian born and Immigrant women who endeavore to expand communication skills with people of varied world traditions and cultural patterns of behavior which would help elimination of generalisations. As Canadian born and Immigrant women share and learn from each other about vast intricate and practical cultural behaviors and discover similarities, both groups integrate into Canadian society with more ease. Therefore, in doing so these women assist their children and extended family members to also integrate into Canadian Life with more ease. Discussion of Unity and Inter-Faith dynamics is incorporated into this presentation.

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Call or text
519 267 4873

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